Sunday, December 19, 2010

Easy homemade gifts your children can make...

I think all parents will agree that our favorite gifts given to us by our children are the one's they create themselves.

Here are a few idea's for homemade gifts your kids can make this year!

Ages 2-6

  • Box of love (Our daughter did this two years ago. Great gift for Grandparents!!)

Small plain box
Glitter, bits of paper,etc. (anything you have laying around to adorn the box)
wrapping paper

Have the Children decorate the box however they like. Perhaps they use purple ribbon for Grandma (it's her favorite color) etc...

With each box attach this adorable poem

This is a very special gift
That you can never see.
The reason it's so special is,
It's just for you from me.
Whenever you are happy,
or even feeling blue.
You only have to hold
this gift and know
I think of you.

You never can unwrap it
Please leave the ribbon tied.
Just hold the box close
to your heart,
It's filled with love inside.

AGES 6-8

  • Soap Shapes

Ivory soap
1/4 cup water
2 drops of food coloring
cookie cutters
a strong kitchen grater.
Finely grate the soap in a big bowl, add water and coloring. Mix well and spoon into cookie cutters. Pack the mixture firmly and dry overnight. You can also shape the soap
into balls. Wrap in netting and tie up with a colorful ribbon.
Extra: If you want your soaps scented, you can add a few drops of essential oil or soap scent. Most craft stores will carry these items.

  • "I'm Thankful Box" ( Our daughter created this for her father last year. I will never forget his face as he read through the thoughts his daughter wrote for him. This gift gave them a wonderful moment in addition to the beautiful gift.)

Plain box
Paper cut into roughly 1"x3" strips.
Pen or Pencil
Glitter, paint, ribbon etc for decorating the box.

The child can first decorate the box any way they want!
On each slip of paper write a message of something he/she is grateful for to the recipient of the gift.

"I'm thankful for the walks you take me on."
"I'm thankful for the times you play cards with me."

Also, the child can write about things that he/she is looking forward to.

"I'm excited for you to take me to my first baseball game."
"I'm looking forward to riding our bikes together this summer."

Place the notes into the box and wrap. This is a gift that can be added to over the years as well.


  • Personalized Clock

Pop the plastic cover off an inexpensive clock and remove the clock face. Cut prepared artwork to the same size as the clock face and add numbers around the edge. Slide the artwork in place and replace the plastic cover.
Note: If you cannot remove the clock face, it can be colored or your child can add stickers.

Some projects where taken from a collection of idea's from

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