Dear reader,
Encourage your child to write letters and introduce them to the art of correspondence.
Start young:
*Small children can "draw" their notes and thoughts for friends or loved one. Package it up and let them deliver it to the lucky recipient. They can also dictate a letter to you!
*Children k-2nd grade expand their understanding of grammar, and sentence structure while creating independent opportunities for communication with a "parent approved" pen-pal.
*Children 3rd grade and up will continue to develop their own writing style as the discover personal expression through writing. Ask your child to share a funny story in a letter to Grandma! They will have fun discovering just the right way to paint a picture with words.
Writing is also a great way for young adults to communicate without intervention. Issue's at school, with a friend or at home can at times be easier to write about then to say out loud. Journaling as well as that "parent approved" pen pal can be a great outlet for communication.
*Lead by example. Let your children see you sit quietly with a pen and paper in hand. Allow them to observe contemplation and thought as you write warmly to a friend or loved one.
*Designate "writing time" where the entire family sits and writes together, perhaps in a gratitude journal.
*Write to your kids. lunch notes, thank you notes, leave them a card on their bed that just says "I LOVE YOU! Send it in the mail. Who doesn't love receiving a letter personally addressed to them?
We have just received some great stationary sets to help you start your family on the "write" track.
Best wishes,
Alexis & Heather
Could not agree more!!